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educators 2 educators

4 Fun and Easy-to-Use Positive Behavior Apps For Your Classroom behavior edtech

Based on the blog post below written by Classroom to Boardroom Community member Connor McQueen, this episode of the educators 2 educators podcast explores four engaging and easy-to-use positive behavior apps teachers can start using today.

If you’re looking for fun and effective classroom management strategies, Connor and host Carrie...

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5 Positive Student Behavior Apps Changing How We Regulate Actions and Emotions behavior edtech

While we look at new and more appropriate solutions to classroom behavior, teachers are turning to EdTech for actionable support. These tools are changing how we act on social emotional learning (SEL) and student behavior in ways that help children prosper, without the humiliation and feeling of falling behind that other methods might induce.


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Strategies for Student Defiance with Miss Behavior behavior classroom management

All behavior is communication. We know this; we hear it a LOT. Knowing this important fact isn’t enough, though, and doesn’t magically give us a toolbox or a skill set to support students through tough moments. When students are defiant, it’s hard on us, AND it’s hard on them. How do we handle student defiance?...

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