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Low-Prep Supports for Newcomer ELL Students reading & ela

Imagine it’s just after the school year has started, your classroom is humming along with students settled in and routines in place. Then, with minimal notice, a newcomer English language learner (ELL) is added to your roster. If you’re like most teachers, your heart goes out to this new student, but your workload is already...

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5 EdTech Literacy Programs You Need for Your K-12 Students edtech reading & ela

If you’re looking for ways to make your students better writers while engaging them in the curriculum, EdTech literacy programs may be able helpful resources. With many online tools, you can easily watch your students develop their skills with pre-made lessons and comprehensive data.

The tools I’ve selected are some of my...

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3 Tools to Support and Engage English Language Learners edtech reading & ela

Finding ways to engage English Language Learners (ELLs) in an effective and meaningful way can be tricky. How can you support all students and make a lasting impact? EdTech tools can help.

EdTech tools are an amazing way to reach all students where they are. Here are some top EdTech tools for supporting those learning English as a second...

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