

3 Tools to Support and Engage English Language Learners

edtech reading & ela Nov 22, 2023
A student working with a language tutor on her computer

Finding ways to engage English Language Learners (ELLs) in an effective and meaningful way can be tricky. How can you support all students and make a lasting impact? EdTech tools can help.

EdTech tools are an amazing way to reach all students where they are. Here are some top EdTech tools for supporting those learning English as a second language in your classroom.


Duolingo is a popular language learning platform that offers a gamified approach to learning English. This user-friendly app provides a wide range of interactive activities, including listening exercises, vocabulary drills, and speaking practice.

One of the key advantages of Duolingo is that it adapts to your student’s proficiency level, providing personalized content and challenges. This makes it an ideal tool for ELLs of different ages and language backgrounds. With its engaging interface and rewards system, Duolingo motivates students to practice English regularly and makes language learning an enjoyable experience.


Flipgrid is a video discussion platform that can greatly benefit ELLs by improving their speaking and listening skills. With Flipgrid, teachers can create video prompts or questions and students can respond with their own video recordings. This tool helps ELLs gain confidence in speaking English as they can practice in a low-pressure environment.

Flipgrid allows students to listen to their peers' responses, fostering active listening skills and promoting peer-to-peer interaction. By using Flipgrid, teachers can create a collaborative and inclusive learning environment that encourages ELLs to express themselves and engage in meaningful conversations.


Vocabulary acquisition is a fundamental aspect of language learning, and Quizlet is an excellent tool to support ELLs in expanding their word bank. Quizlet offers a variety of study modes, including flashcards, games, and quizzes, which cater to different learning preferences. ELLs can create their own flashcards or access sets created by others to practice and review English vocabulary.

Quizlet's audio feature allows students to listen to correct pronunciation, enhancing their listening and speaking skills. By incorporating Quizlet into their lessons, teachers can help ELLs develop a robust vocabulary and improve their overall language proficiency.


Meet your ELL students where they are and help develop a strategy that engages and evolves. This isn’t an easy task, especially when you have a full classroom, but EdTech tools for ELLs are an easy method of instruction on a need basis.

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