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4 Things Every New Teacher Must Do to be Successful new teacher

New teachers are leaving the teaching profession at an alarming rate. According to a study by the advocacy group, Alliance for Excellent Education, 40-50% of new teachers leave teaching within the first 5 years. There are many factors that contribute to high turnover. If you ask veteran teachers why new teachers leave the profession quickly,...

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How to Know What to Grade and Assess as a New Teacher grading new teacher

As a new teacher, grading and assessment can be one of the most intimidating and overwhelming topics. Every school and district has a different policy on grading and assessment, so it is important that you study your district's policies carefully. After you have guidance from your school leadership, take the following tips...

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Morning Meeting: Slowing Down to Speed Up classroom management new teacher student relationships

One year, I decided to drop morning meeting from my classroom. Honestly, I thought it was a tool better served for the primary classroom and I was starting to feel it was a waste of instructional time. I quickly learned that morning meeting was one of the most important parts of my instructional day, even if I only spent 5 minutes setting the...

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