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3 New Canva for Teachers Ideas for 2024 edtech

Canva is constantly making changes and improvements. Besides making worksheets and printables, there is so much teachers can do with Canva to enhance collaboration and bring ideas to life.

I use Canva every day with my team because its design and collaboration abilities always blow me away. From docs and AI to whiteboards and videos, Canva...

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Teacher Self-Care Online Tools for End of Year Classroom Chaos edtech wellness

Teaching can be a rewarding profession, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges and stress. As educators, it’s important to prioritize our well-being and practice self-care to avoid burnout. But this is typically easier said than done.

You just spent the day surrounded by colleagues, potentially disrespectful students, tedious...

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How to Leverage Data Analytics with EdTech to Support Student Progress edtech

With the vast amounts of data generated by EdTech platforms, teachers now have a unique opportunity to harness the power of data analytics to drive student progress. By leveraging data analytics, you can gain valuable insights into student performance, personalize learning experiences, and make data-driven decisions to enhance the educational...

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3 Tools to Support and Engage English Language Learners edtech reading & ela

Finding ways to engage English Language Learners (ELLs) in an effective and meaningful way can be tricky. How can you support all students and make a lasting impact? EdTech tools can help.

EdTech tools are an amazing way to reach all students where they are. Here are some top EdTech tools for supporting those learning English as a second...

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5 Essential Cybersecurity Tools for Teachers and Students edtech

Cybersecurity in the classroom can be a pretty daunting concern to educators - so much so that you might wonder if all the tech is worth the risks. Well, there are tons of ways to defend yourself and your students from dangers online so you can peacefully enjoy all the benefits of EdTech programs and research tools.

Here are five essential...

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What's New in Canva for Education: AI, Accessibility, Safety, and More edtech

Canva has always been at the forefront of empowering students and teachers, providing classrooms with technology that fuels creativity and design literacy. In this episode, we'll explore the incredible features and benefits that Canva’s new suite of products brings to the table.

With host Carrie Conover, we’ll discuss what’s...

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