

3 New Canva for Teachers Ideas for 2024

edtech Jan 10, 2024
A teacher working with a student at his computer

Canva is constantly making changes and improvements. Besides making worksheets and printables, there is so much teachers can do with Canva to enhance collaboration and bring ideas to life.

I use Canva every day with my team because its design and collaboration abilities always blow me away. From docs and AI to whiteboards and videos, Canva really does it all. And both you and your students can take advantage of all these amazing Canva for Education tools.


Canva for Video Editing

This amazing tool in Canva can help you and your students reach new heights in creativity.

Record yourself explaining a topic or demonstrating an experiment, then upload the videos to Canva. Here, you can select filters, effects, stickers, and more to help illustrate or emphasize your lesson. You can then have students answer questions about the video, respond with their video, or upload it to Canvas or another teaching platform for easy access when studying.

You can also assign this task to your students! Have them record an engaging video on that week’s topic or a section of your review packet to demonstrate their learning. This can be especially helpful during review time, so your class has many videos to help them remember previous content.



Unlimited Possibilities with Canva’s Whiteboard

When I say unlimited, I mean it. Canva’s Whiteboard feature allows you to create nearly endlessly and continuously build on whatever you’re producing.

This can be an awesome way of showing how a topic builds or unfolds. You can start zooming in on a topic, then zoom out as you add more information and reach a more general topic, or vice versa.

Or you can have your students use this space for seamless, interactive collaboration. Here, they can help each other with reviews, brainstorm project ideas, complete assignments, complete surveys. You’ll have to explore this feature to understand how unlimited this tool truly is.


Canva Docs for AI-Supported Lesson Planning

Create the ultimate lesson plan or review guide with Canva Docs - with half the effort.

You hear about AI everywhere, and there’s certainly the good, the bad, and the ugly about it. However, you can use Canva Docs to brainstorm your lesson plans, create copy to edit, and even create quizzes on all the lesson content you’ve created.

It’s not lazy or detached. You’re still wholly involved in editing the content; the AI is just guiding you.

There are so many other ways that teachers can use to evolve their lessons and behind-the-scenes planning. The possibilities for collaboration between you and your students are really unstoppable - imagine what this can do for mid-term and finals to support your stressed students.

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