

3 Online Tools for Supporting Middle School Science

edtech science Feb 21, 2024
Two students working on a science experiment

Is anyone talking about middle school science? Science as a subject and even the middle school grades in general seem to be two of the most neglected areas of EdTech.

However, the tools I’ve found for this exact niche are so impressive that you almost won’t need anything more. They’re inclusive, personalized, and so interesting that I want to dig around in them.


When I came across Propello at FETC 2024, my first thought was “ah, finally someone is really caring about middle school science.”

While Propello offers standards-aligned, personalized curriculum to support learners in ELA as well as science, I sense that science is where they truly shine in their products. They offer ready-to-go, high quality curriculums that require no prep work, project-based assessments, hands-on activities, culturally relevant content, custom learning paths, and so much more.

Maybe the best part about this teacher-created tool is that it’s deeply integrated with Canvas, Schoology, and Google Classroom for easy access.

Discovery Education

Phenomena-based instruction is an exciting way to help students make sense of the world around them, and with Discovery Education, they can explore these phenomena through hands-on experiences and immersive lessons.

Along with an engaging curriculum, this platform also includes streamlined lesson planning, personalized differentiation, ongoing progress monitoring, and ample professional learning opportunities to support teachers supporting students.

PhET Interactive Simulations

This innovative, supplemental tool created by the University of Colorado Boulder is an interesting aid in your math and science lessons. PhET delivers engaging simulations to accompany various topics such as physics, earth science, and biology at different levels.

For example, when exploring Earth science with your middle school class, you can find simulations modeling the greenhouse effect, the solar system, Kepler’s law, or even molecules and light.

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