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We help teachers love their careers again.

Professional development for teachers, by teachers.


Read the Western Michigan University Case Study

Facing the impacts of the pandemic, Western Michigan University’s Office of Clinical Experiences needed to find a virtual way to deliver engaging and customized professional development to its final year teacher candidates.

By providing specialized access to one of its modules, educators 2 educators (e2e) delivered a solution that was cost-effective, customizable, and impactful.

The solution received strong positive feedback from students for both its engaging format and its ability to deliver tangible, actionable insights to support their development as future educators.

Download the Case Study

The professional development solution needed to be virtual, affordable, engaging, customizable, and flexible in order to deliver a meaningful experience for teachers.

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Compared to other professional developments, I felt that the e2e videos benefitted me a lot more. I was able to pick and choose topics that I felt would benefit my students the most. I was also able to watch the videos at my own speed and pace. I was able to take notes and reflect on the video I had watched before watching the next one.

As a result of watching the e2e videos I am a much better teacher, student, friend and colleague.

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The professional development solution needed to be virtual, affordable, engaging, customizable, and flexible in order to deliver a meaningful experience for teachers.

We wondered  ‘How will we deliver engaging, exciting professional development?’  We didn’t want to just slap something together that wasn’t going to be quality.

e2e was a no-brainer. It was very easy to contact Carrie and to meet with her. She is a very easy person to talk to. She was accessible. Easy to work with. Easy to brainstorm with.

Create a Customized, On-Demand PD for Your Teachers and Staff

educators 2 educators can work with you to create a fully customized, self-paced virtual PD experience for your school or school district. We can work with 5 teachers up to 5,000 teachers to create the perfect PD experience for your staff. 

Work with e2e!

Are you looking for professional development that is virtual, affordable, customizable, and flexible? You are in the right place!

Our team will respond to you within 24 hours. Tell us about yourself.