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How Teachers Can Use EdTech Tools for Student Mental Health edtech wellness

While EdTech tools are often associated with instruction and practice, they can also play a significant role in supporting student mental health. With EdTech, teachers can create a positive and supportive environment that promotes well-being and addresses the unique challenges students may face in this new era.

Here are some ways teachers can...

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3 Questions You Should Ask Yourself About Your Morning Teacher Routine wellness

The time between your alarm going off in the morning and the first bell can set the tone for the rest of your day. Being a teacher means you rise early and have less time to fit in a productive and healthy morning routine.

Routine is KEY to keeping ourselves and our family sane during the hectic morning hours. Ask yourself these three questions...

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6 Online Tools for Teaching and Promoting Student Well-Being at All Ages edtech wellness

I was a teacher for 10 years, and I’m a mom of two teenagers. I know that when a student starts forgetting assignments or is more irritable than usual, it’s time to have the talk.

The self-care talk.

Self-care is not something we just know how to do. Even as adults it takes time to establish routines and to see the benefits. We...

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How to Support a Grieving Teacher grief wellness

Supporting a fellow educator in dealing with the loss of a loved one can be daunting. Returning to work after a loss can be especially difficult for teachers due to the nature of the job. Immediately returning to a high-stakes position in addition to dealing with a class full of children is challenging. Thankfully, the support of fellow teachers...

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