

Why Teachers Need to Start Using ChatGPT ASAP

edtech Jun 13, 2023
A teacher using a computer with students

What is ChatGPT?” That’s the exact question I asked my husband when he first told me about the latest program from OpenAI. “It’s going to change how we do everything,” he answered.  

Curious to learn more, I researched the AI program and what it can offer. A quick Google search revealed ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence program designed to generate responses when given specific prompts. It works like a chat box, hence the name ChatGPT. My search also revealed countless publications about how educators and students embrace new technology worldwide. I quickly learned how revolutionary ChatGPT is and the numerous ways it supports student learning.

Creating Authentic Writing Examples

Having previously taught reading and writing workshops, I used literary texts to teach my mini-lessons. While finding reading samples was easier, I often had a tougher time creating authentic examples for my writing mini-lessons. They needed to be genre-specific to the lesson and would take up much of my planning time to create. 

With ChatGPT, teachers can use AI to generate writing samples for mini-lessons in a fraction of the time. It’s incredibly simple for teachers to create content-specific texts and meet their instructional needs. It provides authentic, real-time models that make content meaningful and exciting. 

I mean, imagine the possibilities with this tool. A primary teacher can reinforce high-frequency words and vocabulary with sample sentences. A high school Spanish teacher can quickly model accurate grammar and punctuation in Spanish for students. Middle school science and social studies instructors can generate exciting narratives and stories to ignite excitement and curiosity during unit openers. 

Demonstrating Lesson Non-Examples

AI doesn’t just create good examples. It can also create bad examples. The best way to reinforce concepts for students is to show them what they are NOT. 

Non-examples are a great way to support cognitive development and confidence. Students are often reluctant to try something new because they are afraid they will fail. However, using ChatGPT, teachers can effortlessly normalize mistakes and misunderstandings.  

AI for English Language Learners

As an ELL coordinator, I often worked with teachers concerned about their ELL students’ understanding of grade-level content. Upon further investigation, we found that some of these students’ cognitive abilities were appropriate for their grade level. They struggled to access the content in English and required additional language support. 

What if there was a way for teachers to assess students’ cognitive ability in their native language and use that data to plan informative lessons and interventions? 

With ChatGPT, teachers and students can translate different languages and use it as a mini-language tutor to aid with class work.  Also, ChatGPT will not only provide valuable data to teachers but it will also reduce the trauma ELL students feel from being in a new country and learning a new language.

Feedback for Improvement

Students care about how they are doing, and want to know how they can do better.  Unfortunately, providing frequent feedback is not only extensive but also time-consuming. It was something I always struggled with, and wished I was better at. 

By simply typing in students' written work and asking it for errors, ChatGPT will generate areas for improvement. 

Nothing can replace a teacher's valuable feedback. Teachers should continue finding opportunities to inform students about their learning. However, ChatGPT can make lesson planning and classroom management easier. It can serve as the preliminary proofreader before students see the teacher. Students can then revise and edit their first version before the teacher sees it for the first time.

Don’t Be Afraid of AI in the Classroom

Clearly, ChatGPT has significantly impacted how we think about learning. But with every new technology, we must know how to use it appropriately, and that goes for teaching our students how to do so as well. 

Don’t fear this new AI; it’s a tool to enhance teaching, not replace it. It’s safe to say it makes teaching more productive and gives teachers more time to engage with students. So what are you waiting for? Give ChatGPT a try in your classroom today!  

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