

EdTech School: 3 EdTech Tools You've Never Heard of

edtech Aug 08, 2023
A woman learning about EdTech tools on her computer

With the launch of EdTech School just passing, I wanted to give a glimpse into week one of the program for 2023. The goal of the program is to teach you about all the amazing EdTech resources out there at your disposal, but you’ve probably just never heard of them.

After a survey I sent to my mailing list and posted to my LinkedIn audience, I found out that most teachers can only name 5 to 7 EdTech tools. And the top responses? Google Classroom and Class Dojo. I’m sorry, but that’s just not going to cut it when there are so many tools that can completely change how you teach, for the better.

Here are 3 EdTech tools you’ve probably never heard of that might be game changers for your classroom.



Along is a platform built to help teachers individually check in with students through prompts using the technology platform of their choice. It allows you to "know your students beyond the screen".

Teachers start by picking a research-informed question or prompt for the class. They record their answer/reflections and send them to the class. Teachers are provided guidance and professional development on when to use specific questions in their classrooms. Students are given the choice to respond by video, audio, or text.



Edulastic is an online platform that provides teachers with tools to create and administer assessments and assignments to their students. It offers a variety of question types, including multiple-choice, short answer, and essay questions, and allows for grading and analysis of student performance.



Panorama’s mission is to radically improve education for every student. Panorama helps schools and districts transform their approach to education so that every student thrives in school, every student benefits from an excellent education. The program lets educators see a comprehensive and actionable view of every student.

It accounts for student success, social-emotional learning, positive behavior, and feedback surveys.

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